Our Family Business
JadeTime.com is your premier destination in Chinatown, Los Angeles, for decorative paper lanterns, parasols, hand fans, and unique gifts. Discover timeless elegance and authentic Asian-inspired decor that transforms any event or space.
We specialize in selling decorations such as paper lanterns, parasols, hand fans, scrolls, statues, and much more. Many of our products have been featured in movies, TV shows, and magazines.
If you are looking for lanterns or parasols to use as decorations for special events (like weddings), our store is the best place to visit. We provide a variety of decorations for your special event at affordable prices.
We have been in business for over 20 years. Please call to ensure that we are open for business when you arrive.
Unique Offerings
Featuring hard to find decorations and novelty items at a great price
We are committed to providing the absolute best quality to each and every one of our customers. Over the last 20 years, since our start, we have continued to grow while staying true to our original mission — to give you, the customer, a winning service that you can rely on.
We Sell Beautiful Lanterns, Parasols, and Hand Fans in Los Angeles’ Chinatown

Decorative Paper Lanterns are our top sellers. They are great as wedding decorations. We carry many different types of decorative lanterns.

Many different colors and designs to choose from. We also offer beautifully hand painted decorative parasols.
Hand Fans

Hand fans make great give away items for weddings and special events. Come see our large selection of hand fans.